Meeting Canary measures the level of Focus, Respect and Energy in a meeting. This is done by combining multiple aspects taking place in a meeting. Some of the aspects taken into consideration are:


Measuring the ability to stay on track and avoid distractions.

  • Rambling without clear direction (long sentences and filler words)
  • Long meetings tiring people out
  • Disengagement of users (switching cameras off and no longer contributing)
  • Lack of agenda, action points and decision making


Measuring the way that people treat each other in the meeting.

  • Use of non inclusive language. e.g. sexist phrases such as “looking for the best man for the job”.
  • Use of offensive **** language
  • Negative sentiment directed towards a person
  • Cross talk and interruptions


Measuring the level of enthusiasm and engagement in the meeting.

  • Number of people who are engaged with their video on
  • The percentage of participants who have recently contributed
  • Number of speaker changes (back and thro’s)
  • Use of questions
  • Speed of speech
  • Excitement levels
  • Meeting length