As a participant our friendly Meeting Canary will provide subtle nudging. Below are some of the animations you may see during a meeting.
Shown when a participant arrives more than 5 minutes late!
If we hear the dreaded phrase “you’re on mute!” or “we can’t hear you”.
Meeting Canary is always happy to say “hello” when people join a meeting and when they put their video on!
No one likes when people talk over one an another, and the Canary will show its displeasure.
Long meetings
We can only concentrate for so long. The Canary can drop a not so subtle hint that the meeting has been going on for a long time! This animation also shows when we are waiting for the first two participant to join the meeting.
Voice assistant
When the voice assistant is activated, the Meeting Canary puts on its thinking glasses and tries to find your answer. Look in the chat panel for its response.
Idea origination
Meeting Canary likes great ideas and has a lightbulb moment.